My first custom order for Finger Puppets Set ,
i did not know this Nursery rhyme but was such of fun to make the characters

Five little monkeys Sitting in a tree Teasing Mr. Crocodile,
"You can't catch me."Along came Mr. Crocodile ,
Quiet as can be
Four little monkeys Sitting in a tree Teasing Mr. Crocodile,
"You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile, Quiet as can be
Three little monkeys Sitting in a tree Teasing Mr. Crocodile, "You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile, Quiet as can be
Two little monkeys Sitting in a tree Teasing Mr. Crocodile, "You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile, Quiet as can be
One little monkey Sitting in a tree Teasing Mr. Crocodile, "You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile, Quiet as can be
No more little monkeys Sitting in a tree